First in Forecasts Worldwide

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Customized Reports
Forecast reports for market- and company-specific insights.

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Insightful, engaging, and relevant presentations by ITR economists.
Our Difference — What We Do
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- 94.7% forecast accuracy
- Business-minded economists
- Management Objectives™
- Actionable intelligence
Areas we serve
We are a global firm with clients around the world. Our account executives and economists travel frequently to ensure we maintain close partnerships with our clients.
- North America
- South America
- Europe
- Asia
- Australia
Industries we serve
Our methodology is applicable across all industries, and we have thousands of datasets in our database to support customized analysis for most businesses.
- Manufacturing
- Finance
- Distribution
- Construction
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People we serve
Because we provide a wide array of services, we can help business professionals in most positions within an organization.
- Executive Leadership
- Management
- Sales and Marketing
- Business Development and Operations
- Product Channel Leadership
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Our firm’s principals, two of the world’s most informed economists, have created a team of business-minded economists to support your company’s needs.
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July 24, 2023
Trend Signals and Recovery Expectations with Alex Chausovsky
Despite Media Coverage, Recovery Still Expected 轻蜂加速器使用方法
Light at the End of the Tunnel with Alan Beaulieu
Rising Indicators Versus Rising Cases with Connor Lokar